God’s plan for our good   Jeremiah 29:11-14

Thinking through the passage

Only God knows what God is planning for us…

Neither our enemies nor our friends know what God is planning…

God is planning for our prosperity, not disaster.

God is planning to fulfill our hopes.

Because God is planning for our good, we should pray. He will answer.

We should seek God sincerely, because he is waiting for us to find him.

God is ready to fill our lives with an abundance of good things.

Praying God’s plan for our good

Lord, I know that you love me and are always looking out for my good. I know this in my head, but my heart is corrupt and assumes you want to punish me, hurt me, and deprive me of the good things of life. Help me, Lord. Heal my broken heart. Teach me to trust that you are eager to bless and not curse, give and not subtract, fulfill and not leave empty. Lord, transform my fears into faith. Amen.
