Come, Sophia, Holy Wisdom, gateway to eternity.
Sacred source of all that is from long before earth came to be.
In Your womb the primal waters from below and from above
gently rock Your sons and daughters, born to wisdom and to love.

Come, Sophia, be a clear compelling presence everywhere.
Still the terror, dry the tears; come, ease the burdens that we bear.
From the first faint light of morning, through the dark when
day is done,
be the midwife of our borning and the rising of our sun.

Come, Sophia, intuition weaving wisdom deep within,
bringing promise to fruition through the prophets that have been,
pleading justice for tomorrow and forgiveness for today
for the images we borrow and the roles we often play.

Come, Sophia, we believe You are the shaman of the soul.
Break us open to receive You; fill us up and make us whole.
You inspire us to envision all the fullness of shalom
on a new path through tradition that will surely lead us home.


Words: Miriam Therese Winter. Tune: Hyfrydol. Sung in worship at Oakhurst Baptist Church, Decatur, Geogia, October 20, 2013.
